Spirit week celebration is a High School Programme designed to allow students to have a whole week for themselves to plan for high school events.

Last week’s series of events marking Spirit Week in Galaxy International School was fabulous. The school held its second annual celebration of Spirit Week starting from 11th and ending on 15th November, 2019.

The first event was dubbed ‘Mismatch Day’ where students wore silly accessories and funky clothes blended with many colours.

The second day marked a Costume Day, the costume could be comical or scary.

The third day also marked Jersey Day. Students wore jerseys showing off their favourite sports teams.

The fourth day marked Celebrity Day and Twin Day where students paired up with a friend and friends impersonated celebrities.

The fifth day was a Decade Day where students wore attires that were used in the various decades and a 90’s dance party was held.

It was in all, a very lively and entertaining week and the students confirmed they enjoyed it very much.


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