Rewarding Academic Excellence

We consider it very important to reward the hard work and excellence of our students. It is our way of urging them on to even greater achievements while encouraging others to strive after their example.


To this end, Galaxy International School has at the beginning of the second term of the Academic Year, presented certificates to students who distinguished themselves in last term’s academic work. Students who obtained an average of 80-89 were awarded the Certificate of Merit. Those who obtained an average of 90 to 94 received certificates of Distinction. The Principal’s Honour, usually given to students who attain an average of 95 and above went to only one student.


While congratulating all the awardees, the School would like to extend special congratulations to Aikedumanwen Izogie-Eghe (Grade 11) for receiving the Principal’s Honour, the highest award for a term’s academic performance in the School.


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