Mustafa Kaya
The Principal
It is a great honour for me to address you on behalf of GALAXY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, a private school focused on preparing children for the changing conditions of today’s and tomorrow’s worlds.
If we want our children to take part in the competition of the 21st century, and take the lead, they should have such qualities as self-confidence, critical thinking for problem solving, math and science skills at an internationally competitive level, and knowledge of at least two foreign languages. As parents, our utmost responsibility is to provide the best available educational environment where the leaders of the future will develop the skills and solutions of the future. GALAXY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL was founded on this concept.
Simply offering a competitive curriculum is not enough, however. It’s only with well-developed interpersonal and social skills and a sense of ethics that our children will truly be equipped for the challenges they will face as the leaders of the future. With that goal in mind, GALAXY is designed to provide a unique environment where each student is known to the staff; class sizes are small enough for individual attention to be paid not only to academic development but also to character development.
I believe in a child centred approach to education where the teacher challenges the children in a safe and respectful manner to develop (together and individually) their own solutions to given problems; encouraging co-operation, the development of life skills, the power of analysis and the capacity to organise themselves.
I believe individualizing is most successful when staff and families build strong partnerships and communicate frequently about a child. By combining the information gained from the two perspectives, families and staff can use the curriculum to plan and implement an individualized education.
Our aim is to discover the hidden talents of students and-if any-overcome their deficiencies. GALAXY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL creates new horizons in harmony with the demands and talents of the students.
Welcome to GALAXY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. I firmly believe it is one of the best investments you could make in your child’s future.